
Grades 3-5

Responsible Use Policy
Grades 3-5

Victoria Saigon South School believes that all students should have access to technology when they act in a responsible, efficient, courteous and legal manner.

Furthermore, Internet access and other online services, available to students and teachers, offer a multitude of global resources. Our goal in providing these services is to enhance the educational development of our students.

Acceptable use of technology applies to all technology-based devices maintained by the school and/or personal technology-based devices used during school hours on school property.

The following are our agreements about the use of technology at Victoria Saigon South School.

Using the technology equipment correctly and responsibly is very important.

I agree:

  1. use the technology equipment carefully.
  2. use the computer and the Internet only for school-approved activities. I will only use the programs and websites that my teachers have approved.
  3. keep my password a secret.
  4. not tamper with or damage the hardware, software or the network.
  5. tell my teacher if I read or see something on the computer that makes me feel uncomfortable.
  6. never use the technology equipment to be hurtful to others. I will not view, send or display inappropriate messages or images.
  7. print only with permission.
  8. access only my own files and folders, or those shared with me.
  9. obey copyright laws and respect the intellectual property of content I did not create.
  10. report and/or help prevent any bullying, abuse, or harm of others.

I understand that if I do not follow these rules, I might not be able to use the technology equipment at school.